Numerical dynamical systems

Lecturers: Timo Eirola and Luca Dieci (Georgia Tech, Atlanta)
Teaching assistant: Armando W. Gutiérrez.

During this course we concentrate in numerical methods for finding some important quantities and objects of dynamical systems.

  • Solution methods for systems of equations, especially of those that are underdetermined
  • Computational methods for bifurcations
  • Methods for computing invariant manifolds
  • Solution methods for boundary value problems

This course suits well for students in mathematics, mechanics, systems analysis, control engineering, and computational science and engineering. The course work consists of lectures, exercises and tutorials, home work, and a special assignment.

Material: lecture notes
Grading: grade comes from a combination of exam points and AHP points (that is Attendance, Home work, and Project work). A project work problem is given a couple of weeks before the end of the course. Working in pairs or groups is allowed and encouraged. Anyway everyone returns her/his own solution papers.